Experienced Food Translator for the entire Food & Beverage Industry

Werkshygiene in der Nahrungsmittelindustrie - operational hygiene in food manufacture - hygiène dans la transformation alimentaire
© endomotion / bigstockphoto.com

References of Existing Clients

Our clients are manufacturers in the areas of food & drink, food packaging and food hygiene. They range from small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) to large multinational companies, but we also work for food retailers, logistics companies, trade fair organisers, specialist publishers, hotel and restaurant chains, business consultants, development aid organisations, pest control companies and auditing organisations /certification bodies. We respect the confidentiality of our clients and therefore do not publish any of our clients' names. Some clients, however, have written a letter of recommendation, which we are happy to make available to prospective clients.


Lebensmittelunternehmen - food company - entreprise alimentaire
© hadot / Fotolia

Michael Staudinger BDÜ

Dipl.-Betriebswirt (FH), MBA 

Fachübersetzer Food

Neuhaus 13

53940 Hellenthal (Eifel) Germany / Allemagne


Nur direkte Firmenkunden (keine Privatkunden, keine Agenturen)! 
Corporate clients only (B2B) - no translation agencies!
Offre B2B réservée aux entreprises !


Mitglied im Bundesverband der Dolmetscher und Übersetzer e.V. (BDÜ):

BDÜ-Mitglied / Übersetzungsdienstleister, Mitglied im BDÜ


Mitglied im Fachkreis Lebensmittelhygiene e.V. (FKLMH):

Mitglied im Fachkreis Lebensmittelhygiene e.V. mit Hygieneforum

Übersetzer Lebensmittel


Food translator

Traducteur agro-alimentaire

Domaine agroalimentaire
Food industry translator



Übersetzer Food-Branche

Freelance translator
Food & drink translator
German translator specialising in beverages

Technical translator food
Specialist translator food

and food technology

Traducteur allemand

Traductions allemandes
Traduction agroalimentaire


Freiberuflicher Übersetzer

Traducteur indépendant


Website last updated:
Juni 2024